So I haven’t done a regular post in a bit. Just the flash fiction, but I’m jumping in this week, since it’s wordless Wednesday. This month… things that make me turn into the hulk.
When you haven’t driven your car for days and it was full when you parked it.
Sometimes, even when they smile it doesn’t change their status.
These posts… please stop, just stop…
Everyone says: ” if you need anything, don’t hesitate, I’ll be there for you”… So I’m going to make this bet, without being pessimistic, I wish “my friends” would put this on their wall. I want to know who I can count on… And I’m sure it will be less than 5. Copy and paste on your wall..that is all. Type “done” on this comment when you do it!
This one needs no explanation…
There are lots more, but not all translate into photos. Now hop on over and see what makes the rest of the gang turn green.
Jessica Jarman | Bronwyn Green | Kayleigh Jones
Paige Prince | Gwendolyn Cease
HA!!! Yeah – pretty much ALL of these!!!
I’m still giggling at the favorite character one. 😀
Happy period??!! The only happy one is one that is nonexistent!!! And yes the incessant reposting crap, I skip those unless they’re way fun. But please quit cluttering up the FB feed with chain mail crap. So much awesome.