Wordless Wednesday ~ August

Before I inundate you with severe fluffiness and to-die-for cuteness, I should mention that Six will be releasing this month. Just need to upload and his story will be available… here’s the cover and blurb…

His sixth sense never saw her coming…

Knowing when things are about to go sideways has been Casey “Six” O’Reilly’s saving grace for as long as he can remember. It saw him through a decade with Delta Force, and it’s still keeping him one step ahead of his targets as a recovery agent with Wayward Souls.

So, why his gift has decided to take a siesta with respect to his new partner—Kameron Monroe, ex-Military Intelligence officer and current pain in his ass—is a mystery. It’s bad enough the feisty blonde is headstrong and impulsive—his polar opposite. Being secretly attracted to her is torture. Seven months together, and he’s still stuck in the friend zone. Waiting. Watching. Planning the perfect time to make his move…

Until armed men beat him to the punch.

A heart-pounding chase and one hell of a Hail Mary escape plan keep them in one piece, but the threat is far from over. And if he wants a future with Kam—a chance to charm her into his bed for more than just a one-night stand—he’ll need all his skills to pull it off.

Six doesn’t know what the men want, where they’ll strike next, or how many will come gunning for Kam. But it doesn’t matter. With the help of his team, he’ll eliminate the threat, or die trying. Because sixth sense or not, Kam’s his new mission. And he doesn’t fail those.

And now for what you’ve really all been waiting for… Introducing RIGS… or as some have nicknamed him… Sir Most Fluffiness. Photos start around 7 weeks (before we got him) then to 8 and now up until, 12 weeks… he’s growing fast.

What he’ll look like when his ears finally stand up all the time, lol. He still needs a bit of help from gravity with his head tilted up. Or the wind.

And that’s it for me. I hope you enjoyed the cuteness. Now see what else is cropping up with the other ladies…

Bronwyn  |  Gwendolyn  |  Siobhan  

5 Replies to “Wordless Wednesday ~ August”

  1. As cute as Rigs is – it will be interesting to see how much longer the guy will be able to pick Rigs up – I can’t wait to read Six! Squeeeeeee!

  2. OMG!! He’s so fluffy!!!!! And cute. So much cuteness overload. I will think of him as Sir Fluffington. And I can’t wait for the new book. But, fluffy puppy!!

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