The first Top Ten post of the new year… and it’s all in my new home at WordPress. So happy I made the leap. Here’s to having more fun making more sites, lol. Okay, now onto the post. I’m not taking this one as in a “what does society think I should do” because other than not being a psychopathic serial murderer, I think I’m a decent enough person. So, I don’t subscribe really to what society thinks I should or shouldn’t do. But there are lots of things I should do for myself. To make “me” better. And isn’t that what we’re all striving for? To be the best us? Here’s my list, but in no particular order because they are all things I should be doing…
- Sleep more. Though, in my defense, it’s not always my fault, but… I know I often choose to skip out on sleep because that’s where I can get more time. I always say “I can sleep when I’m dead,” but better self-care in this area should happen.
- Find balance. I tend to be an all-or-nothing kind of person and often give up one thing to do another because I feel like I’m way behind or something. I’m working on this. I know I tend to go to extremes… though that might just be a personality trait, lol.
- Learn to say “no” more. Pretty sure this doesn’t need an explanation. And this is a hard one for me.
- Drink more water. I know… I’m better than I used to be but not where I know I should be.
- Be more confident in myself. In some areas, I’m okay. Others….so not there. And we all know believing in yourself is half the battle.
- Learn to slow down and appreciate things more. In the immortal words of Ferris Buller…
Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around every once in awhile, you might miss it.
- Market my jobs better. I know I have to promote myself to sell books, to get more cover/graphic orders. I’m trying, bit it’s not something I enjoy, so it’s one thing that gets pushed aside. I really need to be better about this.
- Learn to… Let it go, let it go… yes, sing with me. I’m getting better, but I still get bogged down by guilt or anger about something that already happened. Or… I get obsessively worried or worked up about something that hasn’t even happened, yet. (Did I mention I went to extremes?)
- Make time for other interests. This is hard. Work is always there and with kids and interruptions, it feels like it takes ten hours to get in five. But, I should step away a bit more often. Get back to playing the piano or finally learn Spanish. Maybe take that kick-boxing class.
- Be comfortable in my own skin. John Mayer has a new album out and there’s this song… In The Blood. One line there sums everything up perfectly…
And what about this feeling that I’m never good enough? Will it wash out in the water, or is it always in the blood?
And that’s it for me, folks. I wonder what the other ladies said and if I’m way off-mark, lol.
Jessica ~ Bronwyn ~ Siobhan ~ Deelylah ~ Gwendolyn ~ Torrance
All of those are great choices, Kris, and getting worked up about past or future issues is big for me. Thanks for sharing.
Right? I try hard not to but… yeah. I think it’s an inherent personality trait, lol.
Love it!!! Yeah and the whole Let It Go, I’ve been singing that since it came out. In fact, Jarman and I would sing together on the phone since this was something we needed to do too. It’s hard though.