Okay, so apparently they’ve changed the entire interface of WordPress. Not that I mind change, per se, but damn… I didn’t realize I’d have to relearn everything. And not in a good way. I might have some steam coming out of my ears right now… which doesn’t bode well for this week’s post.
Obviously, one of my goals needs to be to let shit go, but… I’m getting ahead of myself. First, let’s look back at 2018.
I’m not sure how I feel about this past year. I mean, I guess I got some stuff done but it doesn’t feel like I did a lot. I don’t keep a running tab of words written and stuff but I did accomplish a few things.
For writing, I released three books. All in the Brotherhood Protector world. That’s not as many as I’d have liked to but… I’ll celebrate getting these works out there. And I’m really proud of them. Discovered I love writing military type romantic suspense books. So much, in fact, that I’ve already written book 1 in my new series… Wayward Souls. Cannon’s book, who you meet in Going in Blind, will be releasing early this year. Either late January or early Feb. And I’m already working on Colt’s book, and have the opening written for Six’s book… can you tell I’m excited?
I also managed to make a ton of new covers. Some for a couple of publishers. Others for individual authors. Here are a couple of my faves…

I’ve got others waiting in the wings for this year. I’ll talk about them in a moment. As for other aspects in my life, I started the BIG NEVER-ENDING RENOVATION of 2018. So far, I’ve managed to complete 3 upstairs bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I’ve got the entire main floor mostly finished, which included a laundry room, rec room, bedroom and foyer. I just have some moulding and the bathroom left. This was an enormous undertaking and has eaten up a ton of time. But it’s looking so good… I’ll include some image below.
Now, let’s look ahead because we can’t change the past but we have the future waiting for us. Work wise, I plan on releasing more books. I would like to write at least 4 in the Wayward Souls series, including a couple of crossovers with Elle’s Brotherhood World. I’d also like to get my YA done… it’s a Peter Pan kind of tale and I’m more than a bit intimidated by it, but… I’m really excited too. So… we’ll see. I’d also like to try and get one or two other different works out there. I have a series planned with fellow amazing author Jessica Jarman and this might be the year we get our first books out. Fingers crossed.
I’m also going to attempt to not miss as many blog posts. I got so caught up in the renovations, I really didn’t have a clue what day it was half the time. But… here’s to turning that around. Being more accountable.
I have a bunch of covers already in the works for 2019. Most I can’t show because they aren’t mine, but… here is the first cover in each of my series I’m re-releasing. Which is another huge goal. To get most, if not all, of the books I got back out there, again.

Personally… I’m planning on running my second 50 mile race. It’s in Montana, again, but a different race. I guess I just really love Montana. This one is all on reclaimed railroads and sounds like a lot of fun. I also plan on finishing the BIG NEVER-ENDING RENOVATION stretching into 2019. The main living room and kitchen, along with updating the stairs is all that’s left. And some work outside, but… I can do this. I just have to believe )trust me, you start to question when it seems to not get any closer to being done, despite doing so much).
But above all, I’d love to find some balance this year. I always seem to be feast or famine in the different aspects of my life and I’d love to have ti all be more even keeled. But like they say… life’s a journey. As long as I keep striving…
Oh, and maybe, one day, I’ll date, again. That would be nice…
Check out the other ladies and what their take is on the year gone by and the one just around the corner…
You did a great job getting shit done in 2018!!!
Wow!!! I got tired reading about all the stuff you’e done. You’re amazing and the covers are beautiful.
Totally awesome! I love your covers. Can’t wait to read the new books. And maybe re-read some the re-releases.