Top 10 ~ Best Things in Life

It seems like this would be easy but it’s not. How do you narrow down the top 10 things in your life? Then, once I started thinking, it was… how do I find 10 top things in my life, lol. But, here goes. There’s no specific order…just a list.

  • Kids/family.  This goes without saying. They drive me to drinking and are the source of grey hairs, but I wouldn’t trade them for the world. I’m extremely lucky to have 3 amazing kids. And my brother’s okay (did you read that, Norm?) Cassie rocks.
  • Writing.   I love my job. When I’m not bleeding every word… but even then. There’s just something magical when it all just flows.
  • Graphic Art.  I really do love this, as well. Some days I might want to strangle folks, but most of the time, it’s just a whole lot of fun.
  • Working out.  Don’t underestimate what this gives back. It centers me. Helps me focus and makes me a better EVERYTHING.
  • Being Canadian.  I’m extremely fortunate to live in a beautiful place. We might not have it all figured out, but we have made some great advancements. And I feel privileged to salute hockey and the maple leaf. Our money’s pretty, too.
  • Friends.  I know, I could have put this in with family because honestly, I look at a lot of my gal pals as soul sisters. But… They all deserve their own shoutout. Thanks to all the people who help keep me sane. Who inspire and encourage me and talk me down from the ledges. I’m truly blessed.
  • My Furry Friends.  Yeah, I’d like to strangle the cats and the dog a lot, too. But… when they cuddle up beside you, or lay their head on the bed when you’re sick or sad… yeah. Animals make everything better.
  • My health.  Okay, I’m starting to scrounge. But, I am lucky that overall, I’m okay. I know lots of folks who have to deal with medical issues, and I think we sometimes take for granted when we don’t. So… I feel pretty lucky.
  • My sense of humor.  It’s the reason I’m not on the evening news under the words “Most Wanted”. So…. yeah.
  • All things Tim Horton’s.  Or really, just their steeped tea. Don’t judge, people. Haters are just gonna hate… And I’ll be drinking tea smiling and waving.


And that’s it for me. Hope on over and see what the other ladies have on their lists.

Bronwyn  ~  Jessica  ~  Gwendolyn  ~  Siobhan  ~  Torrance


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