Wordless Wednesday ~ Top 10 Daydreams

So this week it’s a wordless post about the Top 10 Things I Daydream About. And I’m already using words, but no one is surprised…

My first thought was…how am I supposed to pick only 10? Then, it was…wait. Do I even have 10 or is it the same one or two over and over and over… Then, it turned to, do I even realize when I’m daydreaming and when I’m not, anymore? Aren’t those daydreams my books? I really don’t know, but… in an attempt to play along, here are 10 possible answers, in no particular order.

Top Ten – Comic book style word.


Retreat. Like all the freaking time.

Running, not necessarily getting mud on myself. 

My happy places. 

This is supposed to represent a cute guy, maybe even—gasp—a relationship.

Characters and books I’ve already written.

Current WIPs

Ireland…I still want to do the Celtic Cross. Run across Ireland in 6 days.

A tiny home. Or a hobbit home. I’m just done with stuff.

Seriously…the most recent WIP takes up a lot of hard disk space.

Sometimes, I like to dream about absolutely nothing. One, big, blank space.

And that’s it for me. Please join the other ladies playing along this week.

Jessica  |  Bronwyn  |  Siobhan

7 Replies to “Wordless Wednesday ~ Top 10 Daydreams”

  1. Despite my post, I daydream about retreat very damn day – lol.

    And also about my characters. Even when the books are done. Just sort of mentally checking in on them. I may have…um…mentally planned Angus and Eliza’s wedding… *hangs head in shame*

    1. I’m sure you’ve picked out their china pattern… the flower arrangements… and really, that would make for a great Short 😀 No need to hang your head. And I KNEW your post would be all Aidan Turner.

    1. Um, I’m not sure how much room there is left in your head after your three man loves… I mean, if they all take up a third. If we don’t carry the repeater, that leaves 1% for everything else… hahahaha

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