It’s random Wednesday and time for another writing post. This week’s topic is —Why I Write. I guess I can tell you why, lol… it’s just, I’m not sure I have more than the generic standby answer that everyone will probably list. Though, in the end, it’s the truth, so…

I’ll start by saying I didn’t always dream of being a writer. I dabbled a bit in high school… have some fond memories of writing a few stories for English class, but… it wasn’t what I was planning on for the future. And I went on to have a … um … few other careers. But that’s another story.

What I’ve discovered is that, at the end of the day, writing is undoubtedly my passion. A true love. Which is, the main reason I write. It brings me joy. Unmeasurable joy.

I realized that part of the reason I didn’t stay with other jobs was because once I’d conquered the challenge of obtaining them, the love affaire died. It became just another thing I did. And I always wanted the next adventure. But with writing, it is the next adventure. I can still be a pilot, a dispatcher, a boat captain. But I can also be a doctor, a paramedic, a spy or … a writer. I get to research and, in essence, be all of these amazing careers through my characters.

Yeah, I know I’m not really a doctor, or a spy, but… that’s not the point. It’s getting to see a story through the eyes of different characters that’s the allure. Being able to put my other loves…mountaineering, rock climbing, adventure racing…to good use. Knowing I’ll be able to keep learning, keep growing without ever outgrowing my passion.

I know, that all sounds a bit… corny. But… it’s true. However, writing isn’t all sunshine and puppies. So I’ve put together a little collection of what it’s like on this side of the paper…

It starts like this… all the good intentions in the world.

Then this…

But it’s okay. You’re merely processing (that’s PROcessing). Then this…

Which quickly downgrades into this…

And then… this…

and finally…

FORTUNATELY… it cycles back to the top, and on good days, you get to stay there for a bit. Writing all the things.

So, not sure I answered the blog topic, but… this is what you get. Now skip on over to the other ladies and see what they have to say.

Bronwyn Green  |  Jessica De La Rosa  |  Paige Prince

 Kellie St. James  |  Gwendolyn Cease


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