Wordless Wednesday ~ Winter

A post…without words? Never! Anyway, I just wanted to note that, despite the photos that depict a clear image of the great white north, we usually don’t get much snow on Vancouver Island. It’s generally rain, rain, some wind and more rain. In fact, the kids have more ‘flood’ days than snow days. But this year… this was the year of the 100-year-snow storm. So…enjoy the winter wonderland and some images of the days just before. Oh, and it’s raining now. Lots. As in 50mm, lol. So, back to the usual for us.

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Check out how winter is with the others…

Bronwyn Green  |  Deelylah Mullin  |  Kellie St. James

Gwendolyn Cease  |    Torrance Sené

7 Replies to “Wordless Wednesday ~ Winter”

  1. How I miss the Pacific Northwest. So pretty. So sorry about you getting the Michigan weather while Michigan got Pacific Northwest weather. But, this year, that is what happened. I have said all winter that if was more like Seattle than Michigan this year. Not that I complained. So much easier to shovel rain. 😛 These are some lovely pictures. That rainbow is totally awesome! Thank you for sharing them.

    1. I knew someone had gotten our weather, lol. Every part of the country has it’s positives, but I will say that having lived more east, I do love the West Coast. And I always say… you don’t have to shovel rain, lol. Glad you enjoyed the photos.

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