Songs of My Life…

So, I’ve been pretty absent lately. And it’s not because I’m being lazy. I’m actually in the midst of renovations. Between that and trying to meet a deadline, I just haven’t had a spare minute to do anything else. Or I’m so tired, I literally can’t even think. Like now, lol. I have great intentions to do this one early, but… It’s late. I’m in the midst of plumbing hell, and well…

Anyway, this week it’s all about songs. A song for each decade of our life, to be exact… which means I have more than most of the other ladies. Just a nice big FU reminder I had a birthday recently and entered a new decade. Can I stop counting now? Anyway, to clarify, it’s songs to describe each decade of your life, not your favourite song of that decade, lol….

Anyway, here goes… oh and I might break ther rules the odd time.

So, Decade 1… 0-9.

My God she had an amazing voice. And really… you’re asking me to remember a long ways back. I can’t remember yesterday.

Okay, Decade 2 … 10-19

The Future’s So Bright (I gotta wear shades) by Timbuk3

Oh to have that kind of outlook, again…

Decade 3 … 20-29

The best of so many songs… it was the decade of moving out west and in a sense, coming home…

Decade 4 … 30-39

No explanation needed. This decade is a blur.

Decade 5 … 40-49

A Little Dive Bar in Dahlonega

This was a hard decade, folks. But like this song, I see it as also hopeful…

Decade 6 … 50

Yup, turned the half century this year. Please, I’m still having my mid-life crisis. Anyway, so far I like to think of this decade being one to rediscover life, so… you didn’t think I’d do this and NOT have a Nickelback song, did you?

And that’s it for me. Pop on over to the other ladies…

Bronwyn  ~  Gwendolyn  ~  Siobhan

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