So this week it’s a wordless post about the Top 10 Things I Daydream About. And I’m already using words, but no one is surprised…
My first thought was…how am I supposed to pick only 10? Then, it was…wait. Do I even have 10 or is it the same one or two over and over and over… Then, it turned to, do I even realize when I’m daydreaming and when I’m not, anymore? Aren’t those daydreams my books? I really don’t know, but… in an attempt to play along, here are 10 possible answers, in no particular order.

Retreat. Like all the freaking time.

Running, not necessarily getting mud on myself.

My happy places.

This is supposed to represent a cute guy, maybe even—gasp—a relationship.

Characters and books I’ve already written.

Current WIPs

Ireland…I still want to do the Celtic Cross. Run across Ireland in 6 days.

A tiny home. Or a hobbit home. I’m just done with stuff.

Seriously…the most recent WIP takes up a lot of hard disk space.

Sometimes, I like to dream about absolutely nothing. One, big, blank space.
WIPs and traveling take a lot of my attention. Great list, Kris. 🙂
I’m sure there’s tons of stuff I didn’t include, but…I didn’t want people to know exactly how crazy I really am 😀
Despite my post, I daydream about retreat very damn day – lol.
And also about my characters. Even when the books are done. Just sort of mentally checking in on them. I may have…um…mentally planned Angus and Eliza’s wedding… *hangs head in shame*
I’m sure you’ve picked out their china pattern… the flower arrangements… and really, that would make for a great Short 😀 No need to hang your head. And I KNEW your post would be all Aidan Turner.
Oh retreat… That definitely takes up some daydream real estate. 108 days, baby!
Um, I’m not sure how much room there is left in your head after your three man loves… I mean, if they all take up a third. If we don’t carry the repeater, that leaves 1% for everything else… hahahaha