Top Ten ~ Places I Want to Visit Before I Die

How is summer vacation coming to a close? It’s as if the kids just finished school. Sigh… I love fall. Probably my favourite season, weather wise. Warm days (but not hot) and cool nights. But I love summer because… no school. I get so tired of lunches and homework and all the stress…

Which might be why we’re already dreaming about another vacation. This week’s post is the top ten places I’d like to visit before I die…so without any more rambling and in no particular order…

Ireland ~ There’s a multi-day ultrathon race that actually runs completely across Ireland. I really want to do the race, then spend a couple of weeks recovering in a picturesque little town in the Ireland countryside…maybe by the ocean. The perfect vacation.

Scotland ~ Shocker… there’s a race across Scotland, too 😀 Though, I’d love to go just to visit castles and the moors… Though, a running race, too? Oh yeah, my kind of fun.

England… Yes, I see the pattern, too. And no, I don’t think there’s a race across England. But who doesn’t want to go? Big Ben. Buckingham Palace… the English countryside. All of it.

Newfoundland ~ I’ve been to most of the provinces, but never made it to the Rock…that’s what we call it. And I’ve heard it’s pretty unique. So yeah, I’d like to say I’ve gone from one side of the country to the other.

Prince Edward Island ~ another province I haven’t seen. And hello… Anne of Green Gables. The grassy fields, the beaches. And there’s a bridge now.

New Mexico ~ Not sure why, but I really want to tour all over this state. I’ve seen a number of them, but haven’t made it here, yet.

Alaska ~ namely McKinley. I get we have lots of mountains in BC, but we’re talking McKinley. I’d love to climb it, too, but it takes some serious mountaineering. Anyone game? Also, the northern lights. I’ve seen them a bit from Edmonton, but not the full real deal.

Egypt ~ The pyramids. Nothing else is needed.

Spend the night in a truly haunted house. I’m not picky, which is why I didn’t specify any one place. But….damn, this would be fun.

Everest ~ Now, this is kind of a far-fetched one, but…it would be super cool. It’s a bit freaky that some of the markers up there are actual dead bodies (thank you for that tidbit of info, Jenny Trout). But still… Nepal. That mountain. Oh, yeah.

An that’s it for me. Check out the other ladies and their lists….

Bronwyn  |  Gwendolyn  |  Siobhan  |  Jessica

Song Fiction ~ A Mháire Bhruinneall

It’s July and I’m finally able to breathe just a bit. Made a few deadlines, though more are looming. But… I finally got off my ass and made it in time for our monthly song fiction. It’s an interesting one, and honestly, I could listen to this over and over. It’s haunting. I’ve never heard this song or this artist before. but I’d love to listen to more. If you’d like to listen, I’ve included the video below. Otherwise, jump right in…

It’s time…

Caleb stood at the base of the cliff. Sea spray filled the air, the roar of the churning water strumming around him—like a maniacal heartbeat. Pushing in on him. Crushing him like the waves pounding the rocks. Only a hint of daybreak cut the horizon, the yellowing light not enough to banish the dark.

The time of demons.

He knew all about them. They covered the land like a festering wound. Black shadows that devoured anything good. Anything remotely human. They spilled over from some ancient well drilled straight to Hell, itself. It didn’t matter how many he closed, how many men gave their lives. How much blood was spilled in an effort to cleanse the land—it was never enough. More appeared.

That was all about to end.

He glanced over his shoulder at the warriors gathered around a dim fire. Not large enough to chase away the chilling dampness but enough to give the illusion of light. To fool his comrades into believing they might actually live through this.

Live. He had no such preconceived illusions. Chances were they’d be dead by sunset. If not today, then the next. Maybe a week if they were lucky. None of them were going to see the season change to winter. Feel the fresh bite of ice beneath their feet. Watch the snow slowly cover the blood and death until he could almost believe it had never been there.


Until it started, again, with the first blossom of spring. The creatures couldn’t endure the cold—the feel of icy water against their leathery hides. The chill of the nordic breeze. It was their only weakness. One that couldn’t last. Couldn’t vanquish the bastards forever.

He could. He hoped. Either way, he’d die trying. Die for his people because that’s what princes did—gave their lives in order to save their kingdom. Their people. And he’d gladly give his—if it meant they’d live. She’d live.

Calliope. No doubt she’d already read his note—the one he’d scribbled at the last moment. When leaving her with nothing but a cold empty bed had seemed unforgivable. She’d be hurt. Hurt and angry and damn it, still alive because he’d see to it. Personally. If he had to walk to the depths of Hell, he’d see that she lived. Grew old in a world no longer strangled by death and darkness. In a world embraced by light.


He nodded, looking out across the water one last time. The sun was finally rising—slashing its way through the indigo sky. Reflecting rays of yellow across the waves. He drank in the different colors of blue in the water. The white crest of the waves as they crashed against the rocks. He breathed in the salty brine, tempered with a hint of rose. He wanted to be able to picture this very moment when his death hung over him like a cloud. When he was gasping his last breath. This place. And Calliope. He’d picture her, too. Pale skin, fiery red hair, and eyes so light, so blue, they looked like frost on the water. That’s what he’d see when it all faded into black.

Caleb cleared his throat. “It’s time.”

Tern walked up beside him, staring out across the horizon. Christ, the man was too young for this quest. Had barely begun to live, but he’d insisted. Had sworn his life for Caleb. And there’d been no reasoning with him. No convincing him to stay behind. Caleb had gone so far as to ask him to personally see to Calliope’s safety, but Tern hadn’t been swayed. And now, Caleb would have to die knowing he’d cost the man his life, as well.

Tern glanced over at him, smiling. “Please tell me you don’t scowl like that around Calliope. I don’t know how the lady puts up with you.”

“Not much to smile about. But if it would make you feel better…” He grinned. Mostly a show of teeth, but it made Tern laugh. Loosened the knot lodged in Caleb’s chest. “We should head out.”

“Aye. Today is a good day to die.”

“If that’s what you gentlemen think, perhaps you should turn back.”

Caleb froze. That voice. The soft lilting tone, the hint of spring in the pitch. He knew that voice. He loved that voice. He spun, and there she was. Standing in front of the fire, her cloak whipping about her ankles from the wind. It was purple or black. Maybe blue. Whatever the color, it blended in with the rocks. With the pockets of darkness still clinging to the land. He tried to say her name, to fucking breathe, but nothing came out save a raspy growl.

Calliope smiled, her tiny fingers holding up the note he’d left her. The scrap of paper he’d left on his pillow in a moment of weakness. When he’d needed to leave some part of himself behind. “Did you honestly think I’d let you do this alone? You might be the kingdom’s greatest warrior, but without a sorceress by your side, you’ll never live to tell the tale.” She raised her hand, and a ball of snowy ice appeared above her palm. “It’s time. Let’s send these creatures back to Hell.”

And that’s it for me. Please visit the other ladies and see their take on this pretty awesome song.

Bronwyn  ~  Jessica  ~  Sarah

Flash Fiction ~ July

Happy Canada Day! Okay it’s one day late, but it’s super close, and I wanted to give a shout out to any fellow Canadians out there. Also, I’m traveling today. Finally headed home after a great vacation. First, a week up in Michigan with Jenny Trout, Bronwyn Green and Jessica Jarman. Then, I invaded Jess’ house for another week—her family adores me. (That’s what I keep telling them.) And we made multiple trips to the US version of Tim Horton’s. Much better than last year. Still a ways to go to catch up to my homeland store, but… it was appreciated.

So, I haven’t done a flash fiction in a while. I’m on a super tight deadline and trying to get my brain to create anything else… yeah, it’s like trying to convert me to coffee. However, I made myself focus and have a short bit below… so, without any more rambling…


I’m weak.

That voice. Dark. Scratchy. Like rusty nails on metal. It grated on him. Hammered inside his head. Beat on him until it was hard to focus. To remember why he’d walked down to the beach.

Peter lifted his face to the wind. To the spray of the water. The call of gulls overhead. The briny scent of the ocean filled his senses. Sparked a memory hovering at the edge of his consciousness. How long had it been since he’d returned to this place? This land? Since he’d found someone new to play with?

You’ll never grow old, Peter. Not as long as you obey me.

Why did that mean so much to him? Staying young? Hadn’t he decided to follow…someone? Someone special. To finally grow up? What was her name?

No. It’s time to find a new playmate.

Peter closed his eyes. That voice, again. Louder than before. It filled his mind—took him to his knees. There was no escaping it. No way to shut it out. It echoed until the sky turned dark—until the first twinkling stars poked through the night. He managed to stand, glancing at his shadow. It wavered beside him, slowly rising until it flew off, leaving a trail of golden dust glittering in the air.

A new playmate. That’s what he needed. A friend. Another lost soul who needed to find the path. The path to never-ending childhood. And once they started playing, they’d never come back. Never grow old. Never leave alive.


And that’s it for me. I told you, super short. But hop on over to the other ladies and see what they have going.

Bronwyn  ~  Siobhan



Top 10 ~ Road Trip Essentials

I know…you’re shocked. I’m actually here. Now, in my defense, renovations are a bitch. Worth it, but I’ve been sucked down the rabbit hole, and it’s harder than hell to get out. Thankfully, I got a week away at our annual writer’s retreat—despite the less-than-stellar trip to Minnesota, and the fact we were caught in a disaster zone when a series of thunderstorms destroyed a number of roads nearby—and I’m now enjoying another renovation-free week at Jessica Jarman’s house. Her family is thrilled—thrilled, I tell you, to have me visiting.

Which brings about this week’s post…and having just been on a road trip, I’m ready. So, here goes…in no particular order because… well, I need all the things.

  • Music… This is no surprise. No one wants to ride in an awkward silence or feel they have to interact with their passengers. This is NOT an issue for me and Jess, but… kids. Yeah, sometimes music saves the day.
  • Diet Coke… Or tea. Though, it’s usually Diet Coke on a road trip. EVERYONE NEEDS A VICE PEOPLE.
  • Munchies… I hate to admit it but… for some reason eating grapes or a salad isn’t the same when you’ve got a thousand KMs to travel. Nacho chips. M&Ms. I’m not too picky. On the road trip to Montana to run my race, we ate a ton of apple slices and peanut butter. (No one eats just 1 tablespoon of that stuff. No one.)
  • Charging cable… God, do you remember map reading? Yeah, I do, too, and it wasn’t fun. When you realized the map you had stopped shy of where you were headed. Or that it was so old it didn’t show half the roads. Well, thanks to maps (either Google or Apple) we now get turn-by-turn directions. Until your battery goes dead, so… multiple charging cables are in order, along with a good adaptor if the car doesn’t have one.
  • A car that won’t die halfway there… This is self explanatory. I’ve had it happen. It’s not fun. A good roadside assistance can help with this if your vehicle is questionable, lol.
  • A roam plan for your phone… Espeically if you’re crossing into another country. Because roaming charges are insane. Even the daily fee adds up when it’s multiple phones. But better than before.
  • Comfortable clothes, and socks… The first is a no-brainer. But, my feet get cold, folks. And I curse whenever I’m traveling somewhere and forgot to pack socks where I can reach them. I like to take off my shoes and just have socks (unless I’m driving.) And let’s not forget comfortable shoes…
  • Money… in case, though highly unlikely, your bag doesn’t make it. For days!!!!! So, always plan to spend twice as much as you budget. And have to find room to take it all home. (No, I’m not bitter.)
  • A backup plan… obviously at this point, I’m scrambling. Who knew I didn’t need more than 5 or 6 things, really, for a road trip. But… this isn’t a bad one. If something happens, if there’s say, A NATURAL DISTATER… having alternate arrangements (like is this cabin rented next week?) is wise, and might save a ton of headaches.
  • Sunglasses… I’m stealing this from Jess (I’m at her house. I’m allowed.) But yeah, a must have because occasionally I like to see the road.

And that’s it for me. Please hop on over to the other ladies and see what they have…

Bronwyn  ~  Jessica


Songs of My Life…

So, I’ve been pretty absent lately. And it’s not because I’m being lazy. I’m actually in the midst of renovations. Between that and trying to meet a deadline, I just haven’t had a spare minute to do anything else. Or I’m so tired, I literally can’t even think. Like now, lol. I have great intentions to do this one early, but… It’s late. I’m in the midst of plumbing hell, and well…

Anyway, this week it’s all about songs. A song for each decade of our life, to be exact… which means I have more than most of the other ladies. Just a nice big FU reminder I had a birthday recently and entered a new decade. Can I stop counting now? Anyway, to clarify, it’s songs to describe each decade of your life, not your favourite song of that decade, lol….

Anyway, here goes… oh and I might break ther rules the odd time.

So, Decade 1… 0-9.

My God she had an amazing voice. And really… you’re asking me to remember a long ways back. I can’t remember yesterday.

Okay, Decade 2 … 10-19

The Future’s So Bright (I gotta wear shades) by Timbuk3

Oh to have that kind of outlook, again…

Decade 3 … 20-29

The best of so many songs… it was the decade of moving out west and in a sense, coming home…

Decade 4 … 30-39

No explanation needed. This decade is a blur.

Decade 5 … 40-49

A Little Dive Bar in Dahlonega

This was a hard decade, folks. But like this song, I see it as also hopeful…

Decade 6 … 50

Yup, turned the half century this year. Please, I’m still having my mid-life crisis. Anyway, so far I like to think of this decade being one to rediscover life, so… you didn’t think I’d do this and NOT have a Nickelback song, did you?

And that’s it for me. Pop on over to the other ladies…

Bronwyn  ~  Gwendolyn  ~  Siobhan

Brain Dump ~ May

Okay, so I think I got the month correct this time. Though, the way my brain’s been lately… this week is brain dump, which is essentially an open mike. So, here’s what’s on my mind…because I know you’re all dying to hear.

So, I know this is shocking, but… I’m still renovating. I know. You’re shocked. Who knew it took so long. Actually, the last bit was waiting on the drywall. A buddy of my oldest is a drywall guy, and honestly, this was one thing I was willing to pay for. He’s giving me a great deal… and there’s no way I would do half as good a job. In fact, you can’t even tell there was a wall in the bathroom… You can see the remnants of it in the first photo below, then the finished (as in the drywall is officially done, just needs paint, primer and all the fixings) image.

The main bath is also coming along. I have a new bath and tub surround arriving Friday (fingers crossed) and then it’s pulling up what’s left of the flooring, putting in the new and all the other stuff. As well as paint… so… a ways, yet, but. I can sort of see the light at the end of the tunnel, and for once, I don’t think it’s another runaway train. I’ll just be happy when this phase is done.

Of course, that means the downstairs is next. None of it, or at least very little of it, is actually drywalled. It’s all that super cheap, super ugly, paneling. So… I have to rip that all off, adjust the outlets. Build some framing in and rip up carpets… yeah. A bunch, but… I’m trying to think about how it will be when it’s finished. Which will be probably freaking Christmas, but… it will happen. And the equity added to the house. It’ll be so worth it.

Also… I had a milestone birthday a couple of weeks back, and suck… decided to have a mid-life crisis. Okay, it’s not a crisis, but… I did go out and do something impulsive. I call her RWBY…

I know. She’s awesome. I seriously love my Jeep. I’ve wanted one FOREVER, and well, I decided now was the time. Because, the clock keeps ticking folks. I try hard to defy age, lol. But, it stills goes by and I don’t want to realize, later, that I never just jumped in sometimes. And this was definitely just a leap of faith. Now, to find some off-roading places, lol. I also opted for BC park plates. It’s a super cool idea. You pay or how I see it, donate 40 bucks per year to the BC Parks and you get a cool plate. Sorry I don’t have a photo of it. And since they introduced this license plate a couple of years ago, they’ve been able to add a Junior Ranger Program. So… totally worth it. And I’m all about helping out Provincial parks…

Lastly, I’m working super hard to finish Rigs’ story for the next Brotherhood Protectors’ launch in June. Fingers crossed people.

And that’s it for me. Please join the other ladies and see what’s on their minds…

Bronwyn  ~  Jessica De la Rosa  ~  Siobhan  ~  Gwendolyn


Wordless Wednesday ~ April

So, I’ve been absent a bit. But… it’s all been for a good cause. Some of it was finishing my latest release — Carved in Ice. The rest… well, can you say renovations? I’m in the midst of them, and it sucks up ALL OF MY TIME! So, for Wordless Wednesday, I’m showing off the current WIP…the house, lol. And namely, my bedroom and the bathrooms.

For this before shot, ignore the mess. No, seriously, I’m breaking the wordless part because… yeah…

Old yellow paint. So much brown. Just… blah…and the carpet…
That’s Sleepy Hollow blue… and new flooring has begun.



Removed closet to become future shower in ensuite.


Shower in and drywall has begun.




Still needs decorating, but not until the bathroom is finished. Awaiting barn door install…


Fuck yeah!


And that’s it for me. Not wordless but… now check out the other ladies playing along…

Jessica  ~  Bronwyn  ~  Gwendolyn  ~   Siobhan

Promptly Penned ~ April

And the year is zooming by. A quarter done, and after this month, a third, lol. Which means it’s time for another promptly penned. Very cool one this month. Here’s the prompt…

You’ve been able to read people’s thoughts since you were a child. But no one has ever talked back. Until now.

This probably won’t appear exactly in these words, but… the thought will be there. So, sit down, and let’s do this…

Look at her. Dressed like that. All that silky material hugging her body and those shoes… I bet she wants them pressed into my back as I fucking ride her.

Maddison stopped, fingers clenched around her purse, heat burning beneath her skin. She turned to glare at the asshole leaning against a pillar, dressed in a cheap Armani knockoff. The one with beady eyes and greasy hair. Bastard looked every inch the slimy predator he was. The guy narrowed his eyes, staring back for several moments before clearing his throat then disappearing into the crowd. Maddy made a mental note to ID his ass later—after the reception. After her brother had left on his honeymoon. And after she’d faced the same, unending questions. Why wasn’t she married? What had she become a cop? Why didn’t she ever come home?

It wasn’t because she wasn’t willing to answer them. She just knew no one would like the answer. Belay that—no one would believe the answer. Believe that the reason she remained alone, why she never came home—why she’d chosen to join the force—all boiled down to one, unimaginable truth. The voices made her do it.

She snorted. She sounded like the countless psychos she locked up. Except in her case, it was true. But not in a disconnected, batshit crazy sort of way. She actually heard voices. Had heard them for as long as she could remember. Originally, she’d thought everyone had people talking inside their heads. Until she’d realized the voices were other people’s thoughts. Like the creepy asshole thinking her evening gown was her way of asking to be harassed. She couldn’t pinpoint exactly when she’d finally figured it out, only that she went to great lengths to hide it. Saying you had people mumbling away inside your head when you were five was considered cute. An active imagination. Saying you heard people talking when you were fifteen—yeah, it got you a weekend under psychiatric observation at the local hospital.

That minor mishap had been the by-product of experimenting with tequila…never, again. But it had definitely emphasized the need for secrecy. To isolate herself. She’d worked hard to learn how to block others… not that it was perfect. Creepy guy had slipped past her defenses. Though, the stress of being in a room with so many people—of being home and having to face the disappointment of her family—that was enough to tax even her skills.

Maddy drew a deep breath, grabbed a flute of champagne, then headed for the balcony. The sheer exhaustion of trying to remain sane in a sea of unending internal conversations was overwhelming. It was part of the reason she loved working the night shift at the precinct. Only a handful of people around her. And if her ability helped narrow down suspects—it made the curse she’d been living with a bit more bearable.

The cool night air beaded her skin as she stepped onto the small terrace. The sun had set hours ago, but the moon was just starting to rise, casting a warm glow across the yard. Crickets sang in the background, easing some of the tension bunching her shoulders. And for a few precious minutes, she could pretend she was like everyone else. That she was normal.

Normal’s overrated, sweetheart.

Maddison gasped then spun, searching the shadows for the gravelly male voice. Nothing.

She gave herself a shake. Obviously, the strain was getting to her. She’d just finished a huge case. Hadn’t really slept in over a week. And now, having to shield herself from a few hundred wedding guests had pushed her past her limits. Had her hearing voices that weren’t even there.

Is that what you think? That I’m a figment of stress?

Who is this?

You don’t know? I thought you were a detective, Maddison?

She froze. She’d spent the past thirty years dealing with her ability, but in all those years, no one had ever talked back—until now.

The guy laughed, and she had to remind herself he wasn’t there. That no one else heard him before she started speaking out loud. Demanding answers. Before they took her away for more than a weekend, this time.

You’re not crazy. You’re different. Like me. 

Who are you?

Look over your left shoulder.

Maddison swallowed past the tight feeling in her throat then slowly turned. A man stood in the centre of the yard, his shadow stretching out in a long, finger-like shape behind him. He took a step forward, illuminating half his face in the moonlight.

She dropped the glass, barely registering the high-pitched trill as it shattered into tiny pieces, scattering bits of glass across the cement. Some of the shards sparkled in the light, reflecting tiny rainbows of color.

The man took a few hurried steps forward. Maddison? Are you okay?


She jumped at the sound of her voice, looking around before focusing back on the man who’d been her best friend growing up. The boy next door, in every sense of the word. The one she’d been in love with until she’d realized she’d never have that kind of life. How could she when every tiny flaw she had would be pointed out to her? Not in words but in thoughts. In a way far more damning.

Nothing. Even as she moved to the edge of the terrace, the yard remained empty.

A shiver wove down her spine. Oh, god, was she really going crazy? Had she imagined the whole thing?

A hand landed on her shoulder, and she reacted before she had a chance to think—grabbing the man’s wrist then locking it as she spun behind him, bending him over the railing.

“Really, sweetheart. If you want a bit of rough foreplay, all you have to do is ask.”


He glanced at her over his shoulder. “Hello, Maddison. It’s been—a while.”

She released him, taking a few quick steps back. She opened her mouth, but all that made it past her throat was a raspy gasp.

Parker smiled as he turned and leaned against the rail, raising her hand when she tried to talk, again. “How about I make you a deal?”

She nodded, knowing anything she said would come out as another pathetic gasp.

“Good. The deal is this—you agree to come home with me, and I’ll answer every question rattling around inside your head.” His smile widened. “And there are a lot of questions in there. I should know. I can hear every one of them.”

She managed to shake off some of the shock. “That’s it? Come over to your place and you’ll answer my questions?”

“Oh, did I forget to mention the part where I don’t plan on us getting any sleep? And yes, that’s code for sex. But before you get out your handcuffs and read me my rights, I’ll remind you that I’ve been able to hear your thoughts since we were kids. So…”

“You mean, all this time, you knew? All this time and you never once mentioned it?”

“Those sound like a questions. Which brings me back to my offer. Spend the night with me, and I promise you’ll get far more than you bargained for. Unless…you’re afraid to know the truth? To be more than a one-off. That is how you live your life, right? You use this…ability as an excuse. To hide behind.” He straightened, then walked past her, pausing at the entrance. “Your choice, Maddison. I’m offering you more than a life spent living in the shadows. Are you brave enough to see what that might be like?”

He held out his hand and waited.

Maddison stared at his palm, finally raising her gaze to his. She sighed then placed her hand in his. “Fine. We’ll start with tonight, and see if you can make me want more. But know this. I’ve spent years fantasizing what this would be like. You’d better live up to the expectations.”

“I do like a challenge.”

Then, you’re in for a hell of a ride.

He chuckled, tightened his grip, then led her out.


That’s it for me. Go visit the other lovelies playing along…

Bronwyn  ~  Siobhan

The Best and Worst ~ POV

Hey, it’s time for another Wednesday Random post. Now, first off, sorry this is late. I’m in Vancouver and for some reason, the wi fi would not connect to my WordPress site last night. Tried a dozen times, so…this is late. It connected this morning…no idea what’s going on, but better late than never.

Okay, so the topic this week is the Best and Worse of POVs. Now, I believe it means what I consider the best and worst. And if you don’t know what POV is, it’s Point of View in terms of first, second or third person.


1 – Third Person Past ~ For me, I’m traditional. The old, he or she said is my favourite POV to both read and write. Maybe it’s because all the books I read growing up were like this (or at least the ones I can remember and enjoyed). Or it’s just a DNA thing, but given the opportunity to read a book that’s either third person or another type, I’ll choose third person. Now note, I said past tense. So it’s along these lines. He walked into the bar, fists clenched, heat burning his skin. NOT… He walks into the bar, heat burns his skin. (God, is that even right? It’s so alien to write I honestly don’t know, lol). Also, I like to have only the POV of the main characters. I don’t want to know what the barber is thinking… thanks but no thanks. I don’t want you to change every paragraph. One per chapter, or two if you’re doing a scene break but that’s it. And I do want to know what all the main characters are thinking, not just the guy or gal. So, if it’s a MF, I want the hero and the heroine. If it’s MM… give me both of those guys. If it’s a ménage, I’d like to know about all of them, too… doens’t have to be equal per se, but at least more than a chapter.

2 – First Person Past ~ I won’t completely shun first person…this is the I said or did something. It’s hugely popular. But, I feel a certain amount of disconnect with First Person. Now, done well, I can definitely get into a story and some of the ladies here write amazing first person past tense. An example of first person past… I looked in the mirror, hating what stared back at me. And like above, past tense not present. My main complaint with first person is that often, we only get to here what’s happening in the main character’s head. So, the author picks who the story is really about and we stay inside that person’s head the entire book. It’s good in that there isn’t any head hopping. But I really like getting inside both of the main characters. Some authors will provide alternating first person POVs in books. I do enjoy this.

But for me to embrace this POV, it has to be done well. I’m not sure I can describe what WELL is, just that I find it easy to be completely disconnected if the writing isn’t that great.



1 – First Person Present ~ This is a new trend, or maybe an old on that I just never read. But I can count on one hand the number of authors that I think can actually pull this POV off and have me enjoy it. I don’t know what it is. I just can’t get into a book written in First Person present. I think part of the issue is I spend a bunch of time switching it to past in my head, lol. And it just feels unnatural. So, if I read an excerpt and it’s first person present, I’m going to pass.

2 – Second Person anything ~ I don’t know if any books exist in complete second person… the you did this and that. I have seen authors slip into this POV in the midst of a third person scene… it happens. I don’t particularly enjoy it, and couldn’t fathom reading a book that way. Again, I don’t think they are out there, but if they are… nope, not for me.

3 – Third Person Present ~ As much as I love third person, make it all present tense for a book, and I won’t read it. I don’t mind blogs written that way. But for an actual novel… I’ll just quietly put that one down.

And that’s it for me. Again, sorry this is late, but it’s up. Now go check out the other two ladies joining in today.

Bronwyn  ~  Gwendolyn

Top 10 ~ Best Things in Life

It seems like this would be easy but it’s not. How do you narrow down the top 10 things in your life? Then, once I started thinking, it was… how do I find 10 top things in my life, lol. But, here goes. There’s no specific order…just a list.

  • Kids/family.  This goes without saying. They drive me to drinking and are the source of grey hairs, but I wouldn’t trade them for the world. I’m extremely lucky to have 3 amazing kids. And my brother’s okay (did you read that, Norm?) Cassie rocks.
  • Writing.   I love my job. When I’m not bleeding every word… but even then. There’s just something magical when it all just flows.
  • Graphic Art.  I really do love this, as well. Some days I might want to strangle folks, but most of the time, it’s just a whole lot of fun.
  • Working out.  Don’t underestimate what this gives back. It centers me. Helps me focus and makes me a better EVERYTHING.
  • Being Canadian.  I’m extremely fortunate to live in a beautiful place. We might not have it all figured out, but we have made some great advancements. And I feel privileged to salute hockey and the maple leaf. Our money’s pretty, too.
  • Friends.  I know, I could have put this in with family because honestly, I look at a lot of my gal pals as soul sisters. But… They all deserve their own shoutout. Thanks to all the people who help keep me sane. Who inspire and encourage me and talk me down from the ledges. I’m truly blessed.
  • My Furry Friends.  Yeah, I’d like to strangle the cats and the dog a lot, too. But… when they cuddle up beside you, or lay their head on the bed when you’re sick or sad… yeah. Animals make everything better.
  • My health.  Okay, I’m starting to scrounge. But, I am lucky that overall, I’m okay. I know lots of folks who have to deal with medical issues, and I think we sometimes take for granted when we don’t. So… I feel pretty lucky.
  • My sense of humor.  It’s the reason I’m not on the evening news under the words “Most Wanted”. So…. yeah.
  • All things Tim Horton’s.  Or really, just their steeped tea. Don’t judge, people. Haters are just gonna hate… And I’ll be drinking tea smiling and waving.


And that’s it for me. Hope on over and see what the other ladies have on their lists.

Bronwyn  ~  Jessica  ~  Gwendolyn  ~  Siobhan  ~  Torrance